1. The Scientific Agriculture E-magazine will be published in every monthly issue.
2. Monthly issue would be published on 1st week of every months.
3. All authors of the article must be an annual member of The Scientific Agriculture E-Magazine.
4. Articles must be sent in only .doc, .docx, MS-Word format send to theagrieditor@gmail.com.
5. Article submitted in pdf form will be rejected.
6. Article should be in Time New Roman in 12 Font Size with 1.15 spacing are accepted.
7. Article should not be more than 2-4 pages.
8. Articles must be informative, innovative and trending.
9. It is the responsibility of the authors to make sure that their content is authentic.
10. Plagiarized article will not be published in our Magazine, however if any plagiarized article published, Magazine will not be responsible and it would be sole responsibility of the author.
11. Our magazine board & reviewers will not check for Plagiarism
12. The published article in the respective e- Magazine shall be dropped in your e- mail. You can also download the same from the website of https://thescientificagriculture.com/
13. Chief Editor and Editorial Board has all rights to reject an article which is against the publishing guidelines of The Scientific Agriculture E- Magazine.
14. Article has not been sent for publication or published elsewhere.
15. Author agrees to guidelines and terms, conditions of our magazine.